Four Facts About Domain Names

Studies have revealed that
the modern consumer is review-centric. His/her purchases are informed by an
online search of a business or a service; reviews from other users associated
with the business or service will determine whether he/she purchases a product
or declines it. Forward-thinking digital marketers advise businesses to have a
website and increase their online presence. However, companies that are
unwilling to have a website yet can acquire a domain name. Many people have a
limited understanding of domain names owing to misconceptions that have been
peddled for years. Here are four facts about domain names that will boost your
knowledge on them.
Fact #1: Domain name
registration is easy
A person in need of a
domain name needs only a few minutes to acquire one. There many online
companies providing services pertaining to domains such as domain name search
coupled with name suggestions. Also, the companies provide auxiliary services
such as web hosting and website design for individuals wishing to use their
acquired domain names to set-up a website.

Fact #2: Individuals/
businesses without a website can have a domain name
Think of a name that aptly
describes your business or service. You can register that name as a domain name
before creating a website. Even without a website, a domain will benefit owners
in different ways. You can use your acquired domain name as a web address that
redirects customers to your desired website. Also, a domain name can be used to
make an entity look more professional if it is incorporated into the branding
of an official email address.
Fact #3: The cost of
owning a domain name is reasonable
While many people hear the
name “domain name” and associate it with a lot of cash, the truth is that a
domain name cost as low as $0.99 annually. As it is cheap to acquire a domain
name, businesses may easily purchase a lot of them. Digital marketing experts
advise businesses to secure domain names that are relevant to their brand. Some
benefits accrue to firms that have many domain names associated with them. For
example, with many strategic domain names, a business can apply a relevant
domain name to a particular marketing campaign. Also, when a business acquires
all domain names that can easily be associated with it, the business protects
itself from opportunists who may want to ride on a company’s name or

Fact #4: The providing
company can repossess a domain name
Since a domain name
attracts an annual fee, a person who fails to renew his or her domain name(s)
may lose to name. The providing company will resell the domain name to another
willing buyer; this is dangerous as someone may quickly take ownership of
something you have invested a lot of resources to build.
With the four relevant
facts in mind, businesses are encouraged to secure domain names. Even without a
website, a company will benefit immensely by having a suitable domain name. One
fascinating thing about domain names is that time is a key factor in acquiring
them; a domain name that was available a few hours ago may be unavailable at
the moment. Secure a domain name today as you plan on building your website.
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